Save Glendale Jobs

Vote NO on Proposition 499

Proposition 499 is a reckless and dangerous scheme drafted by out-of-state radicals trying to bully the voters of Glendale.

Glendale Closed Business

What Does 499 Do?

Proposition 499 creates a new wage scale for only hospitality workers, threatening to harm Glendale small business under the guise of fairness. Proposition 499 is not fair to anyone in Glendale.

This dangerous measure will reduce the revenue of our city and force our City Council and Mayor to raise taxes or cut essential services like police and fire, endangering our citizens.

Protect Glendale Jobs, Police and Fire

Negative Impacts and Job Loss for Glendale

Short-Sighted, Unfair Mandate

This November, Glendale voters will be required to vote on Proposition 499, a measure that would artificially force a significant increase in salaries for hotel and event center workers. This short-sighted measure would mandate what businesses must pay, limit voluntary overtime pay, and restrict an employee’s ability to work overtime.

More Wasteful Bureaucracy

Additionally, Prop 499 would add yet another layer of government bureaucracy to creating a new Glendale City Department of Labor that will penalize businesses the government believes are in non-compliance and would increase private lawsuits against employers.

Serious Economic Consequences

Proposition 499 poses significant risks to Glendale’s overall economy, workforce, and essential city services like police and fire. This initiative will lead to serious consequences, harming the very people it claims to help.

More Dangers of Proposition 499

Economic Impact

Glendale’s recent success in attracting major events is at risk. The new artificial wage requirements and regulations will make events even more expensive for consumers, making entertainment much less affordable for residents and diminishing the positive economic impact these events have on our city.

Unfunded Bureaucracy

Proposition 499 will force the City to create and fund yet another bureaucratic government program, costing Glendale at least $1 million annually. In order to conform, the city will be forced to cut funding from other essential City services like police, fire, and parks.

Regulatory Burdens

The proposition will add literally hundreds of hours of government oversight and regulatory compliance for businesses, which could result in an excessive number of lawsuits, driving businesses away from Glendale to cities with fewer regulations.

Tourism Decline

Higher costs and regulatory burdens will deter tourists and event organizers from selecting Glendale, leading to a decline in tourism and economic activity in our city.

Job Losses

Businesses already struggling with workforce shortages may be forced to cut hours, further reduce staff, or even close their doors. This initiative risks making employment less stable for the very workers it claims to protect.

Keep Outside Influence Out

Voting NO on 499 will prevent outside special interests from gutting city funds and costing the city jobs.

Understanding the Negative Economic Impacts of Proposition 499

These resources provide valuable insights into why Glendale voters
must vote NO on Proposition 499.

It’s important to understand the full negative impacts of Proposition 499. Various studies and reports have shown that similar measures in other cities have led to extensive negative economic consequences, including loss of quality jobs, increased unemployment, significantly higher consumer prices, and a decline in business investments. Below are key resources and studies that highlight the serious risks associated with this measure:

Study on Minimum Wage Increases and Employment Impact

Passage of the Wage Protection Act would reduce Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Glendale by between $120 million and $1.9 billion.

Hotel Prices Would Increase While Profitability Would Decrease

“Additionally, due to lower profitability, the industry would be forced into layoffs, and/or to maintain profitability, hotel guests would experience higher prices.”

Take Action Now

Join us in our fight to protect Glendale jobs and services. Vote NO on Proposition 499 and help spread the word to your friends and family. Together, we can make a difference.

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If you have any questions or want to get involved in our campaign to protect Glendale jobs, please reach out to us. We are here to provide you with all the information you need to understand the dangers of
Proposition 499 and how you can help. Together, we can make a difference.